2022 Food Trends

What’s On The Agenda?

Working within fitness & wellbeing in the media for many years before I studied my BSc and qualified to become a Nutritional Therapist, I have seen many food and wellbeing trends come and go. So what is apparently on the agenda for 2022? ⁠

‘Reducetarianism’ is the new plant based trend….not another ‘ism’. So what does it mean?

If you are wondering about the benefits of a plant based diet but are not ready, or simply don’t want to go full on vegan, then you can call yourself a reducetarianist.

According to the Wholefoods Market Trends Council’s seventh annual Top 10 Food Trends list, this way of eating is all about reducing the impact we have on the planet by being more mindful of the types of foods we’re eating. This means limiting your consumption of meat, eggs and dairy (without giving them up altogether). ⁠Great, i’m behind the concept but not the label. Labelling ways of eating, I find, creates fads that are not helpful to your relationship with food.

Aside from the environmental impact of reducing meat consumption the benefits of a plant based diet (done properly) for health reasons is huge. On a very simple level, plants are naturally higher in fibre, lower in saturated fat and salt. This, on a much bigger level translates into a lower risk of developing chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, digestive issues and some cancers.

⁠If you want move towards a more plant based way of eating here are some tips: ⁠

  • Start a meat free day – or two a week
  • Take meat away from your breakfast options⁠
  • Sign up to a local seasonal farm box⁠
  • Take all processed meats out of your diet – lunches will naturally become more plant based⁠
  • If you can when you buy meat opt for organic, grass feed and free range meat – these tend to be more expensive options so it may actually encourage you to buy less anyway because of the cost!
  • Include a plant based protein in each meal – chickpeas, lentils, peanuts, quinoa, seeds, soy, tempeh
  • Many dark-colored, leafy greens and vegetables contain protein. Eaten alone, these foods are not high protein, but a few vegetable snacks and inclusions with other protein-rich foods can increase overall protein intake.

If you feel like you want some help to navigate the plant based world get in touch and I can develop a programme that works for you. Take a look at my consultations.